Scottish Stones
Peter Martin reseached natural stone lifting across the globe. However, Scotland and the British Isles received particular attention. He left us a number of articles covering this research. These have been sympathetically updated over the years when additional facts have become available; Such as the exact weights of stones, that were unknown at the time of writing.
Ardblair Stones
Touring set of 9 Stones (18-152kg/40-335lbs )
The Ardblair Stones are nine reinforced concrete spheres ranging in weight from 18-152kg (40-335lbs). The stones must be loaded sequentially from lightest to heaviest onto whisky butts. The event is judged on time and the number of stones lifted.
The are taken to multiple rural fares and competitions throught the year. Best source of reliable information is Ardblair website
and Facebook Page
Ardvorlich Stone
Perthshire and Kinross (Directions)
The Ardvorlich stone has little documented history but this hasn't prevented it becoming one of the most popular and challenging of Scottish stone on the mainland. It sits outside Ardvorlich house, which is occupied by the 5th Laird of Ardvorlich.
Auchernack Loupin Stane
Strathdon, Aberdeenshire
This Loupin Stone was researched by Peter Martin before he eventually uncovered the two lifting Stones at Auchernack.
Auchernack Stones
Highlands (Directions)
This document is a combination of an article draft, augmented with some email exchanges between Peter and James Grahame. It covers the trip that James Grahame, Martin Jancsics and Peter Martin undertook in 2013 to find the stones.
Blue Stones of Old Dailly
Near Girvan, Ayrshire
Colonsay Stone
Island Of Colonsay
An in depth look at the 112kg/246lb stone that, for many, made its first appearance in the Stones Of Strength book. .
Dalwhinnie Stone
Dalwhinnie (Directions)
The Dalwhinnie Stone is located in Dalwhinnie and was found to weigh 102kg/224lb
Dinnie Steens
Potarch (Directions)
These are the most famous lifting stones in Scotland. Drafts of Peter's work cover the Stones in detail. He also determines the exact date Dinnie walked with the stones. He also explored the cultural influences behind why Dinnie lifted the stones
Esson Stone
Bennachie, Aberdeenshire
This document was pieced together from email exchanges. It was then followed by contact with a local baillie named Colin Miller.
The area has been searched and stone is not present. The hope is that the stone was stored by the current owners. The area is private land.Dripping Cave Stone
Cromarty (Directions)
The Dripping Cave Stone is located at Cromarty in the north east of Scotland and estimated to be 130kg/286lb of very smooth stone due to its location in tidal waters.
Clach neart Glenlivet
130kg/286lb stone. This article is pieced together from emails and personal memories. The first known lifts in modern times were by James Grahame and Martin Jancsics in 2013. This stone MUST BE RETURNED to the plinth to prevent fire damge from burning heather
Clach Thogalaich Gleann Laoigh Beag
Glen Lui, Aberdeenshire
Peter did not have an article for this 82kg/180lb stone. This document is created from email exchanges with James Grahame
Glen Roy Stones
Glen Roy (Directions)
Two of Peter's favourite stones are located in the Lochaber region of the highlands of Scotland. Directions to these stones are in the Blog
Glen Quoish (Stone Lifting Site)
Glen Quoish is a short drive from the Inver Stone. It is the location of known historic stone lifts. Peter researches the Large Glen Quoish Stone (approx 180kg/400lb region) and also the Small Glen Quoish Stone (approx 72kg/160lb region) in this article.
Inver Stone
Crathie (Directions) .
Inverness Stone(?)
Peter did not have an article for this stone and had only begun to research it thoroughly. This document is created from email exchanges with James Grahame. However, it does give the true history of the Stonemason's challenge recently reintroduced at Inverness Highland Games.
Lifting Stone Of The Glen Of The Little Calf
Glen Lui
Located in Glen Lui, Aberdeenshire. This stone of approximately 110kg/240lbs is located with 100 yards of the Gamekeepers cottage.
Lifting Stone Of Newtonmore
Newtonmore Village, Spey Valley (Directions)
The CLACH THOGALAICH A BAILLE UR ANT- SLEIBH (Lifting Stone Of Newtonmore) is an especially smooth stone which scaled at 101kg/222lb.
Lifting Stone of Rudh-a-fuder
This is a good example of Peter's exhaustive background research on a traditional stone. Clearly, this article is a work in progress but well worth a read.
Macgregor Stone
The Luib Hotel, Crianlarich (Directions)
The Macgregor stone has only recently come to the awareness of the wider stonelifting comminity. However, it is known to have resided at the hotel since 1934 at the very least. While more details of its history are being investigated, the 132kg/ 290lb sphere is accepting all comers. Specific rules apply.
North Uist
Several locations
Peter was actively researching a number of stone on North Uist. He made several productive trips to the Island along with an excellent stonelifter named Alex Roberts. The island is a host a number of traditional stones and an ageing population who are the last of the Gaelic stone-lifters. The stone articles are
Clach ic caoilte stone stone
ultach dhomhaill mhor (aka 'Burden Of Big Donald') stone, Ultach na- h'airde glaise stone.
Also, an overview of the Lifting Stones of North Uist
Puterach and Pudrac Stones
Glen Balquidder (Directions)
Not just a great example of a stone and plinth configuration. These documents illustrate Peter's fact based approach via historic references . He also revisited a stone and updated his understanding as his research progressed as can be seen in this article here.
Sadlin Mare of The Sma Glen
Sma Glen, Near Crieff (Directions)
Peter researched this stone a number of times and this is reflected in the increasing size of the articles he produced each time. Starting with some references he was then able to expand upon it to produce this article. The Sadlin Mare stone was scaled at 99kg/217lb.
Strathmore of Durness Stone
Parish Of Durness, Sutherland (Directions)
A challenging rectangular stone of approximately 350lb/160kg. It is situated on the left side of the road as you travel northbound.
Island Of Berneray
The "White stone" (aka The Weight/Burden Of Morrison) is located on the Island of Berneray. It was actively being researche by Peter. It is also the birthplace of the giant Scotsman, Angus MacAskill, who spent the first 14 years of his life only half a mile away.
Wallace Putting Stone
Sherrifmuir, near Blackford Village
Located in moorland this stone scaled 125kg/275lb region. Although, originally was somewhat heavier before a stonemason set to work on it.
Stone of Lealty
Alness, near Inverness
Peter did not have an article for this stone and had only begun to research it thoroughly. This document is created from email exchanges with James Grahame and memories of conversations long passed.
Stone of Heroes
Peter did not have an article for The Stone of Heroes (132kg / 291lb). This writeup was constructed through a combination of emails and a telephone call between James Grahame and a man who lifted the stone. It also corrects an error in the original Stones Of Strength book, which incorrectly suggested the Stone of Heroes was related to the Dalwhinnie stone.
Stones Of The Southern Highlands
Various Locations in Southern HIghlands
This an early Christmas gift from Peter Martin to all traditional stone lifters that followed his writings. He had gathered together a lot of his research and produced an entire chapter on the Southern Highlands.
This article covers Fianna Stone, Plague Stone, Menzies Stone, Puterach/Pudrac Stones, Abbot Stone, Monachyle Stone, Sadlin Mare,
Ardvorlich Stone, Clach a' bhoisgein amongst others. Interwoven throughout this chapter is the Gaelic strength culture that spawned the desire to lift the stones mentioned above.